
from the ground up


In glass.

We have been collecting, gathering, planning. This project of ours has been many weeks in the planning. And, at long last, we settled down for a sunny afternoon project on the deck.

Rocks into glass.

Potting soil. Fern.

A succulent or two.

Sand. Brightly colored Oxalis.

Add an airplant and a touch of moss…and Voila!

Our own tabletop terrariums. Complete with grazing buffalo, of course!


Cinderella’s secret.

Evening is, by far, my favorite time to wander in the garden.  The air is calm and cool and I enjoy the fading light, the setting sun, the quiet buzz of the hummingbirds, the rustling of the raspy cucumber leaves.  A highlight of my evening walks is finding garden treasures to show to my children.  I guide them to the gourds, where they discover the new, fuzzy beginnings of a birdhouse.

Or, let them “find” the bright yellow beans that lay under the foliage.

And quite possibly, the smallest tomatoes known to mankind.  I leave (most of) those on the vine as well, for surely they need to be eaten for breakfast tomorrow. Tiny fingers adore tiny tomatoes.

But, sometimes, I do stage a few treasures, just for my babies benefit.  One undiscovered secret is waiting, hidden among large spiny leaves.

The Cinderella pumpkin has a few secrets to share, and this mama can hardly wait for the little eyes and hands to discover them.