
from the ground up



We can feel it in the air.  A dip in the air temperature.  The slant of the sun.  The first colored leaves on a tree.

Yet, these beauties are blooming their hearts out. Bright, showy colors, pinks and purples.  Before the yellow, gold, orange and red of mother nature.

One last riot of color.  An encore.  I am so thankful for a ticket to the show!



With Love, From Grandma

In small, glazed pots, my Grandma always kept a few houseplants on her windowsills.  After her passing, my mom gifted us some of these plants.  My mom also worked diligently to keep a long-time favorite alive.  A rose style, pink impatiens.

She had one small cutting.  It was the last piece.  Only a few inches tall.  She kept the water clean, checking it daily.  She even brought it with her in her travels to see my family, to ensure it would not be without water or care.

Almost four years later, this heirloom impatiens has flourished into a stunning houseplant.  And is now plentiful enough to be placed in many outdoor summer plantings.

 Thank you, Grandma.  It is beautiful.



During my visit home, my parents garden brought continual amazement.  Many of the plants that grow and thrive are quite different than those I can grow, with our  harsh, windy winters.  Many of the plants that adorn their vegetable garden and decorative pots are lovingly brought, from many miles north each spring- from my greenhouse.  It is always a treat to see how things flourish through the growing season.  This year, Wow.  The coleus have come out on top!

They were breathtaking- almost electric. And at least twice as large as my own.

Isnt’ my Mom’s artistry lovely?   It made the whole yard smile.